Rotwang Studio is Luca Oleastri and Paola Giari, digital artists who works on book covers, illustrations and concept design , and as a board game illustrators.

Luca Oleastri
Science Fiction always had a remarkable weight in my whole personal and professional life. I have been a professional SF author, I edited a fantasy and horror movie magazine, and for ten years have been chief modelmaker in my own special effects company.
In the last decades my creativity has leaned towards computer graphics and 3D illustrations in particular, with which I wanted to create professional artworks for books and magazines. I'm happy to say that in the last decade this objective has been fulfilled, with hundred of works sold worldwide to private and corporate clients.
Currently I'm building my worlds in Bologna, Italy, where I share a home with Paola and my cat Giapeto.
Luca Oleastri complete portfolio: innovari.artstation.com

Paola Giari
I've always loved drawing, and since I was a child I realised that I was actually pretty skilled in that, so it's always been clear to me that my study path would've led me to make illustrations.
I attended the Artistic Lyceum (high school) and after that, the NEMO Academy of Digital Arts, in which I studied Entertainment Design.
I've been improving my skills since then, both traditional and digital, and I've just recently got into 3-D illustration as well.
Paola Giari complete portfolio: paolaclu.artstation.com